In this episode of Safe Money with Gerry James, Gerry explores the financial habits of wealthy people and the habits they build to grow their fortunes. These habits are based on research, studies and interviews with successful entrepreneurs, investors, and business leaders. Plus, why are annuities being bought at record pace? Gerry and Jim explore this defensive investment further.

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Call Gerry today at (904) 704-2997

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Welcome to Safe Money with Gerry James. Get ready for a full hour of financial information and economic news you can't afford to miss. Gerry works hard each and every day to help hard working Americans like you navigate challenges and reach the financial freedom they desire and deserve. So now let's start the show. Here's Gerry James.

Gerry James:
Hi. Good morning. This is Gerry James. Welcome to the Safe Money Show. I am Gerry James and happy Easter to our listeners and their families. Um, very special time of the week and month and year. Um, the resurrection of our Savior. My Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. So shout out to all of our local listeners. You can reach me at Gerry James at Safe Money or Um what I would like to do is basically discuss what some several topics but what I do in protecting your wealth. Um and I like to talk about how I do that. Basically I'm a financial advisor that protects wealth through safe money investing in typically right now, the safest investments that you can have are through annuities and annuities and life insurance. And you ask, why is that? Why would that be? And that is because the life insurance companies that I deal with, which are A+ rated companies and A-rated companies have, are very they're backed not by a guaranteed deposit of 10%, which all the banks are. They're actually backed by a 105% guaranteed deposits. So that's a state regulation. And so, you know, when you're investing with a insurance company, financial institution such as that, your investments are much, much safer than they would be right now in the market for sure, because the I feel like we are going to experience a huge market downturn. Jp morgan Chief Investment Officer Bob Mitchell just stated there's going to be a brief run up. And then a major crash. That's his words, not mine. But I concur and I agree with that.

Gerry James:
That he's exactly right. There probably will be a major run up. And I don't even think that there may be a major run up. I think that the run up is probably already happened and the crash is imminent. Um, it's funny because. His Copart cohort, Jp morgan chief executive officer Roy Diamond suggested suggested just the other day that the government should seize private property to build wind and solar farms, which is just abhorrent. I mean, this is where we're heading, folks. We're heading into a socialist economy and a socialist. And basically, we're they're a socialist country and we need to take our our country back and our and protect our finances. And that's why I've decided to start doing this show. So that. We can. Basically get a hold of what is ours and. Start to kind of organize ourselves and. Reorganizing and taking our country back through our vote, through our representatives. And through finite sound financial decisions. Speaking of representatives, I ran for state office. State Senate District seven last time. Some of you may know of me. Gerry James. I narrowly lost to the incumbent, Travis Hudson. Who spent $1.7 million against me for a $29,000 a year seat in Tallahassee. That may tell you something right there. Um, and when I say I narrowly lost, you can look at the results yourself. But mail in balloting was basically the thing that. Caused was the difference in the election for the most part. And. That, you know, it's one of my main platforms going forward, I'm going to run again.

Gerry James:
In in 24. I'm going to announce here shortly. Um, and tried to make a difference in our country, in our state and this district. A lot of people ask me, well, why? You know, I mean, why don't you just. Retire or go and just do your job and not pay attention. Because if somebody doesn't do it, if somebody doesn't step up, then then who's going to? If not now, then when? If not me, then who? That's the question that I ask myself quite often. So that's that's the reason for running and. You know, that's the reason I do basically everything for the greater good. And. You know, there's a. There is a quote that I think is very relevant. Socialism. Is the gospel of envy. And that is so true. Winston Churchill basically came up with that. Socialism is the gospel of envy. And really, that's what we have going from Washington. It's coming out from Washington, D.C. and onwards. 21 years ago, I moved here from California because I seen what was going on in that regard in California. And it's it's moving across the country at a you know. The record speed where people just accept socialism. Folks. We can't do that. We have to battle against it. Now to. Get to some of the questions that you may have. How I protect money. I do that with annuities or life insurance and as I said before. These platforms that I use are A+ rated companies. And they have a zero floor, so you don't. But contractually. You can't. If you invest with them, you can't lose one dime. So of your principal. And I'm basically making between 6 to 8% return on investment per year. Some years when the market is completely decimated, I make nothing. Other years when the market rebounds, you know, I'll make 18% return on investments. So it just depends on what allocations I'm using and where the money's at. So that's how I invest with both life insurance and annuities in and putting and getting people's money safe and secure.

And now for some financial wisdom, it's time for the Quote of the Week.

Gerry James:
It's Warren Buffett said something and he's worth about 11. $4 billion as of March. March here in 2023. It has him as the fifth richest person in the world right now. It says never test the depth of the river with both feet. So, you know, he basically that's saying that never put your eggs in all your eggs in one basket. So what I'm what I take out of that is in how I invest is you never take all of your money and put it into one stream, into one investment stream. People that have their money right now in their 401. K or IRA, it's tied into the market. Look out because I think that we are. As you know, Jp morgan chief investment officer Bob Mitchell said we're heading for a crash and. You should get prepared for that if you have your money in a tied into the market in any way. And I can help you with that. is my website phone number is attached to that 904 3497977. And. We can take a look at your portfolio, see where you're at risk and get you out of risk, get you into safety and security. That is a big deal right now. And some of the people that I have done business with in the last two years, some of my clients, which I have over 50 of them and I probably have oh, in the area of. 30, $40 million invested in the last ten years.

Gerry James:
They have called me and said, thank God that, you know, we have our money and they're making reasonable returns with no risk of of losses. They said, thank God that, you know, we put money with you and we're not experiencing this downturn. You know, behind me. There's what's called a break even scenario. And some of you can't see this because you're listening to the radio. But I do a blog and a live stream as well with this And. People don't realize what you have to make after you suffer losses, for instance. If you lose 30% of your portfolio in in a downturn. You have to, in one year make 40, 42%, 42.9% back to make up for that loss. So people think, well, if I lose 50 grand in the in the market, I only have to make 50 grand back. That is absolutely a fallacy. That's not true. You have to make a substantial more amount of return back than you would have losses. It's just basically because of the compounding of those losses that your returns have to be so much more. So if you lost 50% of your portfolio, which can happen in a downturn, in a massive downturn crash scenario, you would have to make 100% back in order to get back to even within one year. And that's never happened in the history of the market. You just don't make 100% back. Now, individual stocks, you can I wish I would have, you know.

Gerry James:
Bought Apple back in 99 when I was offered that Apple stock. It was kind of funny because when I was a professional golfer and that's how I made the majority of my my living for all the years that I did. And I've always had a finance background, but I played golf at a pretty, very high level. I won two world long drive championships in 0506, so I had a lot of money coming in. And. I trusted a broker that my sister was working for. My whole family's basically in and around finance. And so she was working with a broker and. He I put all my money in. Well, he put me in a pump and dump scheme back in 2001, and. The stock went up as he said it would, and then they dumped it and the company went bankrupt. So therefore, I lost all the investment that he put me into. So I learned a lesson right then and there to, you know, only get into safe and secure investments. There's a saying that pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered. And that is the absolute truth. If you get too greedy with your investments, you're sure to at some point suffer losses, massive losses. And and unfortunately, I did. And that's just one of the lessons that I learned. So from there, I went and, you know, started seeking out safe and secure solutions to investing and put all my money into these safe and secure investment solutions.

Gerry James:
Certainly I have some money in the market as well, and I do have had that and have made good money in stocks throughout the years. But as I'm getting older, I'm becoming now an income specialist because it's really not the amount of money that you make in when you go to retire in because your accumulation phase is basically over. You want an income to last for the rest of your life, because I can tell you straight up that running out of money when you're older is brutal. Um, you have to make people make decisions for you rather than you making decisions for yourself. So I help people avoid that scenario at all costs. I show them how that they can make money last for the rest of their lives with simply what they have. And in many cases make it last substantially longer than they would in most cases. Almost all cases, if they would just take distributions out of their 401. K or IRA. You know, a lot of a lot of people think, well, if I have money in my 401. K or IRA and I'm making 10% a year, I should be okay to take out 5% a year. And, you know, have when I retire. Well, I've seen that scenario play out over and over and over again and. The two critical times before you start taking distributions is five years before retirement and five years after retirement.

Gerry James:
Because if you get that wrong in five years before retirement and five years after retirement, it can devastate your retirement account. And as I said, I've seen that happen where people that thought they were okay and they had their money in a 401. K or IRA and it was subject to market returns and downturns started taking distributions and later on in life simply ran out of money because the market turned down and they had no time to make it back up. So therefore I avoid that. I avoid that at all costs. And I make sure that. You know, the people that I work with that their money lasts for the rest of their lives. And I give them scenarios and contractually show them the scenario and illustrate that out. And this is this is what we're going to do, This is how we're going to do it and show them that they'll have a paycheck for the rest of their lives. You know, annuities are somewhat like Social Security, only much, much, much safer than Social Security. I don't know. What's going to happen ten years from now, 20 years from now with Social Security. It's if we don't do something dramatic in this country, we are going to have a cut in Social Security. I've just funded a movie called The Baby Boomer Dilemma. If you tune into the show and go to my website at

Gerry James:
In request that movie, I'll send it to you free of charge, and I'll send you an access code that you can access it free of charge. The reason that I helped fund it is was really because it has some of the the brightest minds testifying about what is to happen in this country with our Social Security fund and and how annuities work. Um, I have, you know, people that graduate from Wharton School of Business, um, Harvard MBAs that it's a really well done movie. Again, it's called The Baby Boomer Dilemma. You can look it up online. It's it's everywhere now. But I'm one of the people that put seed money into getting that movie made. And I think it's extremely important that people realize the scenario that's that's happening right before our eyes in this country with our finances and really what's happening. You know, to their own finances and then the debt that were occurring and then just everything that's that's happening politically that's causing a lot of this stuff to happen. It's crazy what's going on. And all I can say, folks, is I have financial solutions to some of these things. And, you know, as long as you have money put away for retirement, I can help you if you don't. I probably can't. And just because, you know, there's nothing to help you with from from my perspective, certainly I can steer you how to vote conservatively so that your vote counts and hold accountable your elected politicians to represent you if you're a conservative. But and that's extremely important, because without that, then we're just going to be slaves. To the federal government. And, you know, it's funny that, you know, all governments. When, you know, this has been a great experiment and a democratic republic. We're not a democracy. I hate when people say we're a democracy. That's crazy. We're Representative Republic. We're supposed to be anyhow. But our Constitution has been thwarted now. Free speech rights. Second Amendment rights. You name it. And we have to get these back. And when you can put a person in jail and convict him.

Gerry James:
Puts a meme online about Hillary Clinton? You know, we're in. We're in trouble. But we have to vote these people out. We have to stand against them. And we still have a vote, even though, in my opinion, there are problems with our voting. We have to find good conservative people and overwhelm the ballot box. We have to get to the ballots and overwhelm the ballot box with good conservative, Christian or moral people that will represent us and protect our way of life. And protect our just, you know, our families finances and every the whole gamut because how we roll politically is a lot how we're going to roll financially. Um, we are now $33 trillion in debt. It's more than we'll ever be able to pay back. So I don't know how that's ever going to be resolved. I have ideas how I could resolve it if I was steering the ship per se. I know how I could resolve it. Um, and it wouldn't be pretty, but I could resolve it. Uh, but. Most people have no idea in the politicians do not want to resolve it. So we need to take control of our own finances again. Book an appointment with me and I'll show you how to protect your own wealth.

Gerry James:
You're listening to Save Money with Gerry James. To schedule your free no obligation consultation with Gerry visit

Gerry James:
Now I'm going to give you some reasons why you should meet with a financial advisor or a financial professional such as myself. Gerry James, Safe Money Manager. Welcome back. Um, one of the reasons is most people don't understand what an expense ratio is. And you need to if you don't understand that, you need to meet with an advisor. If you don't understand the risk that you are taking with your investment, you need to meet with an advisor, somebody that has a conservative point of view on risk management, especially if you get past the age of, say, 58, 59 years old all the way on up, and you need to learn how to protect your money so that you have it for the rest of your life. If you don't understand or have a formal retirement plan, you should meet with an advisor, especially a spending plan and how to spend down your wealth. You need to learn how to make your money last for the rest of your life. If you don't understand how you should manage risk in your portfolio as you get older, you certainly need to meet with an advisor and I can show you that if you don't know how you should pay off your house or not or your vehicle or not, we can certainly take a look at that. And there are benefits tax wise to hanging on to some debt as we have here. But you need to evaluate that and meet with an advisor if you don't really know what those benefits are. And here's the other thing. If you don't have long term care health plan or a health plan in place, you really need to look at meeting with an advisor and a specialist for health care.

Gerry James:
My sister is probably the best provider of health care, long term care, and I know quite a bit about long term care myself, but she's probably the best expert in the country right now when it comes to Medicare, Medicaid, long term care and health insurance. It's what she's done for the last 20 plus years. She takes her time with each and every person she lives in and works out of Michigan. But does it remotely so you can, you know, anybody that would like to have her information? I can certainly pass that along. And you can help. She can help you with any Medicare or Medicaid or any questions you have with your health care insurance at all. In terms of long term care, I can pretty much steer you in the right direction with long term care. And that's a that's a place where everybody needs to really pay attention because nothing will devastate your financial portfolio faster than the lack of long term care insurance. I don't know if you're aware of if you had to have assisted living or nursing home living or for your for the older people here and even some people that have unexpected health, health, you know, emergencies, if you need, you know, long term care, that is devastating to one's financial portfolio. And there's a way to avert that and have an insurance policy in place for that, that's not really that expensive. So that's something that you should really take a look at.

Gerry James:
Come on down as we test your financial knowledge in right or wrong.

Gerry James:
So right or wrong, if you choose to take a lump sum on your pension when you retire. Can you receive up to a 20% bonus on your money? The answer to that is right. And this will also help you generate a better return in your money. When you invest that lump sum into a fire or an annuity fixed indexed annuity. It can generate a higher income for you and pay and pay out. Over 30 plus years of retirement. People are living longer now. And how much longer that's going to last that people live longer. I hope the trend will continue, but it's not uncommon for people to live in their 90s now. Certainly there are.

Gerry James:
Factions. I believe within our government that that do not want that to happen. So you have to take control of your longevity yourself. Here's another question I have for you. There is no product safer than a bank. When it comes to protecting your money. That is wrong. That's absolutely wrong. A fixed indexed annuity can protect your wealth while also providing the upside principle invested. It is tied into an index but has a zero. And what I call it zero is your hero flaw. So you can't lose money in a fixed indexed annuity. The FDIC protects up to $250,000 in deposit. But there's only a 10% financial reserve requirement at the banks. You see what just happened to the SVB Bank, Silicon Valley Bank and how it went bank belly up. Well, the government and Joe Biden, they're basically the reason that the government stepped in and is attempting to bail out a lot of the people that had more than $250,000 in deposits in those, because in those in that particular bank, in the Silicon Valley Bank, there were huge Democratic donors in that bank and probably even some Republican donors with establishment Republicans in that bank that had their deposits of millions and millions of dollars in there and. So consequently, the government says, well, we're just going to use taxpayer money to, you know, help you with with your investments and bail you out, which is 100% anti.

Gerry James:
Antitrust. It's it's anti-American. It is not a system that we should ever have set up. It's a it's a socialized system. When you start the government takes control and and bailing out banks, it's not free enterprise at all. And we have to get back to a free enterprise system. On the other hand, fixed index annuities. Are 100% financially reserved requirement product. So that means. There has to be by state regulations and laws, not 10% on reserve. There has to be 100% of the money that they take in in reserve. You know, there are many great what I call mega options as well. It's that's. Options for one year investments, three year investments, and where they just give you a fixed rate, not a fixed indexed. So there are lots of options like that. And a lot of people ask me all the time, well, am I locking my money up? Yeah, you're locking your money up to the for the the time of the contract to a point which you're always going to be able to get free withdrawals for all the contracts that I enter into. So if you need 10% of your money so you have $100,000 in a three year contract and you need 10% of that money, you can draw $10,000 out, surrender, charge free. So and then after the contract is done, it's gone. It's.

Gerry James:
Exceeded the time limit. Then you can take it all out. It's your money. You can transfer it into to another investment account or whatever you want to do with it. But there will be no surrender charge. It's just the term of the contract. So that's that's how I think it's a much safer option to put your money in than than a bank where, you know, banks, who knows? There's I estimate now that there's about 200 banks that are in trouble and people have to really pay attention and be aware of, you know, the banks that are in trouble. And there are a few good banks that are not in trouble. And I would investigate then. I know who they are and the banks that are in trouble. We'll see how this all plays out. But. I'm telling you, it's not it's not over this banking crisis. It's not over. So you can you can structure your retirement accounts to deliver tax free income during your retirement to. And that is. By using ROS, IRAs and index universal life policies. So that's life insurance policies. And that I teach people how to use index universal life policies to structure all kinds of things. And it's a system almost like banking on yourself. So if you have a sizable amount of. Money within your whole life or index universal life account.

Gerry James:
You can take loans, penalty free, tax free and off of that, off that money. So say you had $300,000 in a indexed universal life account life insurance account. You could basically take a loan against that entire amount, $300,000. Buy a home.

Gerry James:
Pay cash for the home.

Gerry James:
And pay yourself back on that life policy. Tax free. And.

Gerry James:
You know, it's.

Gerry James:
Just a it's a no brainer. You basically take the bank out of the out of the middle and you're banking on yourself. And when you're doing that, you're still making money within that account. So that $300,000 that you borrowed from yourself is still making compounded interest and you're paying yourself back at the same time. So it's the way the wealthy get more wealthy. Um, it's it's a little known secret and how the wealthy accumulate more wealth and they do it. And I've set these up to where just really large life insurance accounts for young people that have gotten some money from an inheritance or whatever. And we put that into a life indexed universal life account.

Gerry James:
And just let that money grow.

Gerry James:
And then they have access through loans to that money for the rest of their lives, tax free, penalty free. And when you start using that system and rather than paying interest to a bank, you accumulate wealth at a much, much greater rate than paying somebody your user fee for using their money. You want to use your own money if at all possible. Now, if you don't have money, that's that's another scenario. Then you're subject to using loans from a bank. And I get that. But if you're in a position where you can save money in a in a whole life or indexed universal life account and you can let that money accumulate. You can build wealth, you can build your own internal wealth that will last you the rest of your life. By the way, if you contribute to an index universal life account. And you do that over, say, a 30 or 40 year period of time. You start it when you're 20 years old. In a lot of cases, you you can retire a multiple, multiple multi-millionaire say that. Right. Um, and then never have to take pay tax on that money that you've accumulated because you can loan against that for your retirement for the rest of your life. And then when you pass away, your death benefit pays that loan back and all that money that you've accumulated within that account then passes on to your heirs, to your children and grandchildren and what have you. That's generational wealth building. And that is also how wealthy people navigate the financial system to pass on generation to generation their wealth. They do it outside of finance. Social sources such as the market that, you know, has tax consequences and also is subject to losses. So you can schedule a complimentary financial and retirement consultation. With me today at or call me at (904) 349-7977. You can also look at Gerry James at

Gerry James:
It's time for this week's problem solver.

Gerry James:
Um, so this is a problem solver. A man who just turned 70, still works and his wife does not work and is ready for him to retire. And the wife wants to travel a bit, but the husband is concerned that they don't have enough money saved to retire the way they want to. And the man had 900,000 saved in his 401. K. In, the couple would receive about $4,800 a month in combined Social Security. By replacing those bonds into an annuity, they would generate an additional $2,000 a month income for life. Now this is for life. Uh, and they also we also found a way to cut their monthly expenses to fill their retirement income gap. And they will save money by deleting their portfolio and advisory fees. That's another thing. If you have a 401. K or an IRA, you're going to have fees from 0.75 basis points to three three points generally on all of those on your 401. K or you'll have you'll have these advisory fees. So if you're listening to the show and you feel like you can relate to some of this of these scenarios that I'm describing on this program, please get in touch with me so we can provide you a free, complimentary consultation. I don't charge anything for my consultations. I just kind of listen to what you you know, and see what you have to lay out and then make recommendations according to where you're at.

Gerry James:
And, you know, I talk to people with as little as, you know, 30, $40,000 all the way up to millions of dollars in savings for their retirement. I'd love to be a part of your your family, your scenario and your and have the, you know, next big retirement success story as I've had many, many, many of them. So I provide, you know, these comprehensive consultations at no cost, as I said to our listeners, and there's no obligation. You only work with us if it's in both of our best interests, if it's in your best interest, if it's in my best interest, and I will help you analyze your complete entire financial situation, I will closely examine any annuities that you may have currently and see if they're the best for you. And they're still performing well. And we'll discover exactly how much you're paying in fees and help you cut unnecessarily cost unnecessary costs in your IRA and 401. K and any other retirement savings. By the way, um, there are four different kinds of mainly four different kinds of annuities. There's a fixed indexed annuity. That's what I mainly deal with. I deal with fixed annuities which pay you a fixed interest rate.

Gerry James:
Right now I'm getting about 5 to 5.5% fixed with reputable companies. Now you can find a little higher fees with b-rated companies in the fixed return. Very little. But you've got to beware. Like banks, all companies are not the same. All banks aren't the same. You've seen the collapse of SBC, Silicon Valley, Silicon Valley Bank. Thank you. Um, and there are, like I said, other banks that are on the verge of collapsing and. Annuity companies are a little less likely to get in financial trouble. But the berated ones I stay away from, I basically stay away from all berated companies. And here's the other thing. I can help you assess your Social Security planning and your Medicare, as I said earlier. Uh, my sister. Is a medicare expert. I mean, she knows more about Medicare than any one person that I've ever heard speak on the subject. And so in a lot of cases, I know an overview on Medicare, but not to the depth that she knows. And I would refer you to her long term care. I know quite a bit about and and can certainly guide you into the right long term care, by the way, with annuities. There's long term care riders attached to a lot of these annuities. They're virtually cost you nothing. If you purchase an annuity, a long term care rider will come along with it.

Gerry James:
So that's another really, really good reason to look into an annuity. Remember, it's your money. And if it matters to you, it matters to me. And it matters to me because I call it sleep insurance. I don't have to go to bed at night wondering if my clients lost money. I have no concern for that whatsoever. In the last 11 years that I've been doing financial services, I have not lost one dime of my client's money, not one penny. So that's the good thing about why I got into the area of financial investment that I have, because I don't lose money. I make money for people. I make reasonable returns for people, but I do not lose money. So coming up next week, if you need to retire on $750,000 or less, I have steps for you to take. In next week's show, you may be happy to learn that retirement is sooner than than you think. You can retire sooner than you think you might be able to. So on this date, April in April 7th. And this in this week, April 7th in 1963. American professional golfer Jack Nicklaus earned his first Masters title. Now, this is something near and dear to my heart. This is Masters Week.

Gerry James:
It's this week in history.

Gerry James:
And there's a lot of good, talented golfers that are competing this week in the Masters. And as I mentioned before, I'm a PGA professional golfer as well, and have won two world long drive championships, have also worked with some of the best players that play on the PGA Tour that have ever played on the PGA Tour. Former number one player in the world I've worked with, I've trained with them and, you know, done some swing evaluation with them to try to get longer and more efficient. That is an area of expertise that I also have that I've worked a long, long time on. So my pick for the Masters this week probably be hard pressed to not look at Scottie Scheffler and Jon Rahm, but I would like to see one of the Liv guys compete that have went over to the tour. I just think that would be a good talking point scenario. It'd bring a little bit more interest. 1974 baseball legend Hank Aaron hit his 715th home run. The homer that Babe Ruth. Babe Ruth's 39. He broke Babe. Babe Ruth's record of of career home runs in 1974.

Gerry James:
Aaron Lane. Hank Aaron later went on to hit a major League record, 755 career home runs, a mark that stood until 2007, which was amazing. So my son was a professional baseball player, pitched for the Toronto Blue Jays. And so I love baseball as well. Listen, if I can help you guys at all in any way possible, getting your finances financial picture together. As I said, I'm a retirement income specialist. I know how to make your money last for the rest of your lives. Please get a hold of me at or Gerry James at Safe Money Safe money manager. Dot com is my main website. 904 3497977. If you want to make an appointment, we can certainly arrange an appointment over the phone for a consultation or you can come into the office. It's really, really good to speak with us. My one of my first shows. I felt it's a good time to do this as we are in such financial chaos. I'm Gerry James signing off Thank you for listening.

Gerry James:
Thanks for listening to Safe Money with Gerry James. You deserve to work with a financial expert who has a track record of helping clients exceed their financial goals by implementing safe and proven strategies to schedule your free no obligation consultation with Gerry. Visit

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